I've always dreamed of getting married and going on a honeymoon to the Bahamas, having a private beach, snorkeling, and just relaxing outside normal life. No phones, computers, just my husband and I and my camera of course :)

Some of you have asked about the journal challenge. Here is the picture I got from one of my instagram friends :)
Brilliant. A word rarely use in today's society. A word that means: outstanding, talented, or exceptionally clever. Most often heard in Britain and read most often in English books circa 1950. Also when paired with flipping (ie: flipping brilliant) sounds epic, awesome, and super British.

About two years ago I went to Pennsylvania for a fall vacation. The leaves were crimson, gold and a beautiful auburn color. Wherever I went on that trip, I brought my little fujifilm point and shoot. By the end of the trip I really fell in love with photography and editing my pictures. That Christmas I received a Canon Rebel t2i which is affectionately called Tyler. The jump in quality was astonishing and then I started bringing Tyler with me everywhere. That October I started doing some people sessions and through that I opened my own business. that's helped me to save up for college, be smart with my money, and develop my photography skills even more.

Happiness. This word's meaning is different for every person. Some find happiness in family, others worldly pleasures, and still others religion and church. My main source of happiness comes from the knowledge that the Creator of the universe chose me to be one of His children, and set a specific purpose to my life which I am still trying to figure out. I have been given the ability to take part in something big: the saving of souls. You might wonder how this makes me happy; it might seem like a chore, but I know one day I will be rewarded for what I have done to further God's kingdom, when Christ comes back my mission and purpose in life will be completed. Some other sources of my happiness include: sweet fellowship with good friends, uplifting and upbeat music, family games, hearing my sister's laugh and seeing her smile, savoring good chocolate, editing pictures and seeing the smiles I have captured, reveling in fantasy worlds I read about in books, people who care for me, drawing when I get the urger, and feeling God's presence.

On Instagram one of the people I follow posted a 30 day journaling project where each day you journal about something different. I've been wanting to journal more, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I didn't think I would post it on my blog, but I've been wanting to blog more so this was the perfect opportunity to do so. I don't edit this after I write it in my journals so forgive some of the rambling sentences and such :)
Day 1- All About Me
The thing that most embodies myself is my Savior Christ. I don't believe in a religion, but a relationship. Every day I draw strength off of Christ and look to Him for guidance. I'm known as the redheadedpenguin to my friends and family as I'm a red head, who has an abnormal love for penguins. Reading is one of my favorite activities and whenever I can I'm reading something, wheteher it be a book, a magazine, nutrition facts or the back of a windex bottle. My other hobbies include photography which allows me to express myself creatively, lights video and audio which allow me to express myself technologically, and science which allows me to express myself intellectually. I enjoy being well-rounded as it allows me to do different things and always keeps people guessing about me. I dream of earning my Ph. D in genetics and one day marrying if God bring someone special into my life. Some things that make me happy are- chocolate, friends, sharpies, duct tape, toms, macs, Scotland, tea, moleskines, and silver jewelry. Some things that make me tick are- being left out, people singing along to music on the radio and messing up the lyrics, country music, windows computers, and the scientists who think evolution is the only way the would could be created. Another interesting fact about myself is that I am introverted, but extroverted. There are some days when I just want to be left alone to my music, books, or whatever, but other days I yearn for fellowship with friends. In short that's me. It's really hard to write about yourself without sounding narcisstic, but it's a good practice since I have to write about myself a lot on college applications. I probably should have written this first, but I am 15, homeschooled, and a senior in highschool this year.
That's me! :)

I saw this on Polka Dot's blog.

"Fight dragons.
Kill 'em.
Play with 'em
Tame 'em.
Take on sin, stare it down; chase it.
And if you die fighting a dragon, good for you...
Jesus did too.
And you know God will raise you back up.
You have endless life in Him.
What's the worst thing that's gonna happen?
You'll die.
It's gonna happen to us anyways.
You have nothing to be afraid of.
You belong to Jesus and you're a child of God,
And God has promised to raise you up on the last day.
You are invincible.
Fight dragons.
Confess your sin, fearlessly"
- Toby Sumpter

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