I don't know.

Rain pitter patters outside as I sit in my warm, comfy bed. Looking around my room, I am filled with nostalgia. I’m not ready. I love being a kid. I see pictures of my best friend and I from when we were 8, my obsession since second grade: penguins, and pictures from my recent missions trip to Scotland, I don’t want to move on from this. I love where I am right now. I’m so happy, and change is scary. The first college application is being sent in this week. God has destined me for great purposes, and going to college is part of his plan, but at the same time, I’m scared and afraid of the big world out there. I’m really young. I’m graduating young. Am I ready? Intellectually yes, but emotionally? I don’t know. 

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  1. I know the feeling of not being ready.
    Also, just felt you should know that as I read the title to this, the song I was listening to said the exact same thing, pretty irrelevant I know but hey.
    Kimmy x

  2. Emma! You'll do awesome in college and beyond. Don't focus on your own inadequacies or fears, but focus on God and His steadfastness and faithfulness in every situation. He'll either give you what you're ready for, or He'll use it to help you rely on Him. I definitely know the feeling, so it's not because you're graduating early!


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